The Roeper Grade School and Editha Sterba Nursery were located in this house in the New Center area of Detroit, 668 Paliister Ave., from 1942-1946
The Roeper family also lived in the Pallister house until 1943.
A plaque on the house at 668 Pallister Ave. in Detroit indicates it was the former home of The Roeper School.
A photo from the 1946 real estate brochure when the house was called Coventry Crest.
The original patio behind Hill House was enclosed in 1953 to make a dining room.
Roeper students leaping out of Hill House.
In the school's early years, Hill House was called Main Building.
The home-like nature of the Stephens mansion reminded George of Marienau.
The Middle Building, built in 1960, provided the first additional classrooms on the campus beyond Hill House.
In 2013, the State Historic Preservation Office named the Domes to its list of 100 important Modernist buildings in Michigan.
Photo by Balthazar Korab
The design for the Domes was developed at a symposium of architects, educators, and psychologists.
Annemarie believed that a round shape would feel like a hug to the young children for whom it was designed.
Detroit artist Dick Cruger designed, built and donated the original Trojan Horse installed outside the Domes in 1969. Photo from 1973 yearbook.
A replacement Trojan horse was dedicated in 2006. Dick Cruger, seen here with students in 2018, designed the original and the new Horse.
The Birmingham campus is located in the former Adams Elementary School, which was built in 1921.
Roeper purchased this closed school in 1981 as a home for its Middle and Upper Schools.
Numerous upgrades, including the renovation of the courtyard into an extensive Library and Commons, have made this building a hub for young adults.
The Bloomfield Hills campus was founded in 1946, and the Birmingham campus in 1981.
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