The Evolution of Roeper’s Buildings

Spaces that support and advance an educational philosophy

Original Publication Date: Spring 2017

George and Annemarie grew up in the idyllic setting of Marienau, the German boarding school founded by Annemarie’s parents, Max and Gertrud Bondy. The school had a cozy scale that encouraged community and comfort, offered expansive and accessible natural beauty, but was close enough to a wealthy town to offer a variety of cultural opportunities. This was the model George and Annemarie sought to replicate in their schools. 

Citation: Ruff, M (2017). “The Physical Environment,” The Roeper School Archives, Bloomfield Hills, MI.

Gallery of Building Photos

A selection of views of The Roeper School

A History for the Yearbook

The school published yearbooks in 1953 and 1954.  The tradition resumed in 1965 after the school instituted a high school and the students began publishing yearbooks. For the 1954 yearbook, George wrote a brief history of the earliest days of the school.