Mariann Hoag Memorial Service

A final farewell to a woman who was able to meet any situation

Original Publication Date: August 2009

Mariann Hoag worked at Roeper for 60 years, continuing to manage the financial aid program — and advise on any other matters she saw fit to weigh in on — long past her retirement in 1997 and right up until she died on July 6, 2009. Mariann was the living history of the school, fiercely devoted to the children who passed through it, the original alumni director, and the school’s salty/warm godmother. After having devoted her entire career and lifetime to the school, she also left her entire estate to the school.  In her memory, the school renamed its financial aid program the The Mariann Hoag Financial Grant Award Program. At her memorial service on the Bloomfield Hills campus on August 22, 2009, alumni, former and present staff, and grateful parents from many years gathered to pay tribute to a remarkable woman.